Last month, when it came through that this month’s practice needed to be the practice of BEing, I pictured less writing and more BEing. Then, for the first ten days or so, I wrote and wrote and wrote. Until suddenly, about three days ago, I ran out of words. Like there were just none.
I posted a poem. I posted three words but no video. And yesterday I mustered up a few sentences. But it wasn’t until yesterday’s walk that I understood what was happening.
The practice of BEing, just BEing, is hard for us DO-ers. So I was easing my way into it. Kind of like eating all the food you shouldn’t have in the house during a diet before you can actually go on the diet.
Now, apparently, I’m on the DOing diet. At last I’m ready to BE.
So. . .last night I was up praying a lot. I used to dislike it when I prayed more than I slept. But now I love it. Why? Because I’m not distracted by my To Do List in the middle of the night. If something surfaces to pray about, I’m not fooled into thinking there is anything else better or more important to do than to connect with my Higher Power and listen for what I need to hear.
This is what surfaced. It’s an idea that I have always loved, but which has come up more and more for me recently. The idea of being as clear a transparency for Truth and Love as I can possibly be.
For those of us who have felt that our spiritual practice is the most important thing in our lives, the DOing part of spirituality can sometimes seem like the most important thing. We have rituals and prayers and practices aimed at making us feel like we’re engaged in our “spirituality”. If we’re not careful all that DOing can come to seem like what spirituality is all about.
It’s NOT.
The practice of spirituality is basically this: We are cleaning our windows so that we can be clearer transparencies for the Truth of the Power of Love to come through. We are snaking our pipes of the accumulated gunk of human life, so the clear waters of Love can flow.
Practice is not spirituality. Practice is washing and cleaning the snaking and clearing. Spirituality is the bright sunlight that comes through the windows. Spirituality is the clear water that flows through the pipes.
The clearer and more gunk-free we become, the more Love we experience and emanate.
So what we are all here to do right now is to BE: Clear. Any doing is whatever practices help each of us to clear the gunk and wash the windows.
Last night, I prayed to BE clear. To listen to whatever I needed to hear to wipe a few more bugs, a bit more pollen, some crusty bits off the windows of me. But mostly to BE clear.
And for a few moments, I was. I was clear about some corners I’ve been cutting, some old habits I’ve been falling into, some thought patterns that no longer seemed all that necessary. And in those moments of clarity I got what this whole practice of BEing is.
BEing is clarity. Clarity is BEing.
BEing is reality. Reality is BEing.
That’s why we say: Let’s be real. Or let’s be clear.
Because deep down we all know that we can all talk circles around anything, but unless we all show up with the intention of being real and being clear nothing’s gonna shift.
So today, let’s BE clear.
Wash your windows when necessary.
Clean your pipes if they feel clogged.
But then remember that’s the practice. Not the spirituality. Most of us don’t clean our houses all day. We clean them so we can enjoy living in them, so we can be in them.
It’s the same thing. Cleaning is doing. . .but it’s not the point. It is merely the prep work so we can all get back to what we’re are here to BE. (We’re human BEings, remember?)
We are here to be clear transparencies for Love to shine through each of us onto one another and our world.
So let’s be clear. Because when we are, we will automatically #LoveViral.
And Love. Heals.
Love. Heals.
If you’d like to listen to some thoughts on today’s theme, here’s the video: