My new book, Living Love: 12 Heart-Centered Practices to Transform Your Life, comes out today.
So I did a radio show at 7 this morning to talk about the book.
Instead, we talked about my dad — and the book they thought I was promoting was my biography of him.
Yet I couldn’t have been happier. . .because I spent 30 minutes living Love.
You see, I wrote this book because of my dad. He taught me how to live Love.
All the practices in this book came from what my parents taught me as a little girl — and what I forgot in becoming a grown-up workaholic.
The book is basically about BEing Love instead of talking about having more love in our lives.
It’s about practicing joy instead of wishing we were more joyful.
It’s about how fear gets our ears over and over again and convinces us that fear is what’s real and love is a Hallmark card. And how, once we understand fear’s MO, we can choose Love insead.
It’s about living in our hearts instead of our heads.
And it’s about how if we live heart-centered lives, then we are living as if we already are the people we believe ourselves to be. When we do that, we are living Love and that changes not only our lives but our interactions with everyone and everything. And that trickles out and changes our world.
When my last two books came out, I went on long book tours. I visited at least 75 cities for signings and talks and did lots of publicity. I love going out and sharing what I’ve written with readers! So that’s what I planned for this spring and early summer.
But now there will be no book tour. Because my book is coming out in the middle of a pandemic.
And it’s absolutely perfect timing.
When my publisher and I were working on the contract, she asked me: Hardcover and then paperback? Or just paperback?
That was easy. Paperback.
I wrote the book to be used. I imagine it dog-eared with coffee stains, a cover rip, and a ripply after a few bathtub drops.
Now this book feels even more timely than when I wrote it. Because I know that these heart-centered practices I use every single day can help people right here and right now — and instead of going from event to event, I get to engage in the heart-centered practice of sharing my heart-centered practices with anyone who can use them.
Because let’s be real — things like book launches or birthdays (which is also happening this month) seem really inconsequential in the face of the deep spiritual healing we all need to be engaged in for the healing of our world.
Perhaps it took this time, this experience, this pandemic and this book to make the grown-up me know — beyond a shadow of a doubt — that only living Love can teach us about living Love. And only living Love can change our world.
Today’s practice is BEing Love. To show up in our hearts in everything we do today. To make living in all its mundanity — brushing our teeth, feeding the dog, paying the bills, doing our work — a heart-centered practice. To understand, beyond a shadow of doubt, that LOVE IS WHY WE ARE HERE.
Today let’s BE Love. And in doing that, let’s take #LoveViral.
If you want to hear a super-enthusiastic talk this morning, have a listen to today’s Practice of BEing video!