As you may or may not have noticed, I haven’t had much to say the past few days.
It’s Monday morning, and still nothing much is surfacing. Three days in a row. That’s unusual for me. But then again, these are unusual times.
Many of us have been in some form of shelter in place or lockdown or stay at home for over five weeks now. Around us, the world is in turmoil — and those of us who are praying people are praying every day for our world and everyone we love. Everyday we get up. Those of us who work, work. Those of us who can walk, walk. And those of us who pray, pray. Sure we eat and sleep and talk to friends on the phone. But mostly it’s work. walk, watch, pray.
And it’s not yet mid-April. We have many more days of this ahead.
It’s the middle stretch of anything that is usually the most challenging. The novelty has worn off. The finish line is too far away to see. And so all we can do is Be. Here. Now.
I began this year with the commitment to practice Presence every single day. To learn to be present with whatever is. My first month was just getting used to the garment of presence. Wearing it in all different circumstances. Trying it on for size. My second month was committing to pausing instead of only doing. (That didn’t go all that well, but I did it — and every pause helped) My third month was stopping to see something deeply through the eyes of Love so that I would be sure to be fully present to something at least once a day. That was my favorite! And this month is all about being. Because each day I try to be calm or kind or quiet or still, it is a kind of Birth into Presence.
And that’s why today, this Monday morning, my practice is going to be just BEing HERE. Right where I am. without much to say, but filled with gratitude for everything that is. For having a roof over my head last night during an epic thunderstorm that raged on all night. For believing in the power of prayer. For hhe perfect temporary home with my sweet dog Allie that is a quiet beautiful place to work and write and practice BEing. To be here now to be living Love.
So instead of writing anything else, I’m just going to Be Here.
And today may we ALL find peace and presence and gratitude to BE HERE, wherever HERE is. Right here. Right now. In Love.
If you’d like to listen to today’s BE HERE practice, I just figured out how to link it to this blog. So now you can just listen. Cool, right?