A lot of conversation is happening about the right way, the best way, the normal way. . .and all of us seem to have a lot of big opinions about it all. And even when we talk about the immense hopeful global change that could come out of all of this, we asterisk it all the time: Well, there will always be this or that, or this kind of person or that kind of government.
Yesterday I suddenly began thinking about all the ways we just accept that “This is just the way it is. . .”
For example: A world has countries and countries will always do things their own way. People have different cultures and those cultures will never see eye to eye on certain things. That’s just the way it is. That’s the way it’s always been. Some things will never change.
This month I’m working on a heart-centered practice of wholeness. This month I’m looking at the ripple effect of those things that aren’t whole but that we just accept or avoid dealing with.
And this may be the biggest one of all: The That’s Just the Way It Is Syndrome.
Whenever something new is introduced to the world, initially there is often a huge resistance. Things are the way they are, we think. This is the way it’s always been. Except that that isn’t true. And it never has been.
Well, we think. That’s just progress. And progress gets us to right where we are now. Because — you see — that thing that was once resisted has become the way it is. And then, where we are now and the way it is morph into the way it should be.
Well, if you ask the millions and millions and millions of people around the world who are suffering if they want things to stay the way they are, I think they might beg to differ. Because more often than not, the way things are have huge ripple effects that are ignored by those of us who have come to like that things are the way they are.
In other words, there is no way it is — and there never will be.
So today’s heart-centered practice is short and sweet. Think about the way it is. Really think about it.
Here are a few questions:
Why don’t we see ourselves as a planet of human beings who all want the same thing — to love and to be loved?
And if that’s true, why don’t we all just choose Love? And keep choosing Love.
And then take note of all your particular “That’s just the way it is” answers.
Once you’ve done that, make two columns:
On one side of the page put FEAR. One the other side of the page put LOVE.
And then write down which of your “way it is” answers fall under which category — FEAR or LOVE.
Last but not least — review the ones that have ended up under LOVE. Practice those. Let THAT LOVE ripple out today — instead of the ripple effect of the “ways that are” that come from fear or resistance or entrenchment in old ideas that no longer serve us all.
That’s what I’m going to do. That’s our heart-centered practice of wholeness for today.
Today’s video isn’t by me. But have a listen and let it inspire your practice as you let Love help you release any “ways that are” that no longer serve your wholeness in Love.