I just finished writing what I thought was a really great blog post. I created the graphic. Proof read it for all errors, smiled to myself that the whole process was done before 7AM!
I was really resistant to writing this blog post — but when I finished, I felt fantastic,
On to the next item on my too long list of things to do on a Tuesday that feels like a Monday.
And then the blog disappeared.
There is no autosave in this blog program — but it is still in my mind. So I could rewrite it. But the thought of doing that fills me with frustration. In fact, I can feel the frustration welling up inside me. Just bubbling up through my core. One yes from me — and out it would roil and boil. . .all over everything.
You see, I know what will happen if I feed that frustration and lose 45 minutes doing it. it will ripple out through my whole day.
I worked all weekend. I have a really full week. This is not the morning to feed the bears. This is the morning to walk away and recenter.
So, I’ll give the blog a try another day.
Why? Because I don’t want the ripple effect of that blog loss to be a morning of irritation, stress and anxiety on what is already a too-full day.
And perhaps this is what was meant to happen. Perhaps I needed another lesson — in a weekend of lessons — about self-care.
Perhaps I’m meant to share that we can’t care for others if we do not know how to care for ourselves.
That if we can’t find peace inside, it’s not going to manifest on the outside.
If we can’t ground ourselves in calm, our lives will never be calm.
Love is reflected in love. If we don’t know how to love ourselves through our frustrations, how can we possibly love anyone else?
So perhaps this is the ripple effect of Love I need to focus on today. Does this resonate for you, too?
Let’s let this ripple out and see where it takes us. Together.