There’s a lot of talk these days about how we are going to heal our world from the divisions that are killing us, from the destructive behaviors that are devastating our planet. In this month’s heart-centered practice of we, I have been both practicing and blogging about shifting out of me-first thinking into to we-first living. This is the essence of recovery. Recovery is what we are all seeking. So why not take a page from the Twelve Step movement and admit that we have all become powerless because we have sought fear-based answers to fear-produced problems that have made us feel that we no longer live in Love. Our lives HAVE become unmanageable. But when we remember that there is a Power greater than ourselves that can restore us to sanity, to wholeness — and that that Power is Love — then we can consciously choose to live Love by turning our wills and lives over to Love — as we understand Love. In other words, live Love.
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