Today’s practice is BE STILL.
To be still is to practice deep silence and calm.
Let’s practice being still when we’re anxious. Still when we’re afraid. Still when we feel that doing is the only thing that will distract us. Still when we want to be distracted. Still when we’re irritated. Still when we’re antsy. Still when we wish this was all over. Still when we can’t imagine how we can keep going. Still when we’re grieving. AND let’s practice being still when we’re elated and hopeful and healing and grateful and walking and running and waking up and going to sleep and eating and crying and laughing and talking.
Why? Because to learn to be still is to understand that deep within each of us is a Wellspring of Love from which all calm, grace, peace, confidence, hope, healing, and love is born and manifests. It is our disconnection from this Wellspring that has seemingly disconnected us from one another and our world. It is what has sent us off on wild goose chases and hunting for Holy Grails. It is what has caused us to believe that war is necessary and our neighbor could ever be our enemy.
So to practice being STILL is to reconnect with the Love that will heal.
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