So, here I am on vacation planning to write my blog about being on vacation. . .when suddenly it occurred to me that I'm on vacation.
Since it is my first summer vacation in over a decade, I thought I might refresh my memory about what a vacation really is. Here's what I discovered: A vacation is a period of time that a person spends away from home, school or business usually in order to relax or travel. It is also a respite or a time of respite from something.
And that's when the lightbulb went off.
I'm on vacation!!!
I have committed to this daily practice of joy and I've allowed myself a week of joy! So maybe, just maybe, I should practice joy not by writing about it, but by just being in it.
Being in Joy!
And that's when I decided that it will be much more fun to share what I learned about practicing joy with you next week. For this week, I am going to joyfully enjoy my vacation -- hiking among the wildflowers in the Rocky Mountains with friends.
Thank you for helping me get here. I can't wait to share my joy with you next week!
Top of the World: In the aptly named (at least for me) Price Canyon Recreation Area