Some mornings I wake up knowing exactly what the topic will be, and then I watch as the words roll out and teach me that day’s heart-centered practice. I know I’m not writing. I know it’s Love writing through me. And every morning I’m excited to wake up and find out what I need to hear and share it with you.
Other mornings, such as today, I have no clue. So I put my hands on the keyboard and wait. Because writing myself whole has been my practice for as long as I can remember, I know something will come. I trust. I wait. It comes.
As it just did thirty seconds ago.
And what came is the question I asked myself about ten minutes ago. If we are constantly shown how beautifully and consistently Love guards, guides, and governs us when we consciously choose to lean, listen and love — then why the heck don’t we do lean, listen and love all the time?
Why do we turn certain areas of our lives over to Love and think that there are others that we’re in charge of? Or even if we don’t think we’re in charge, why do we think there’s something we have to do other than lean, listen and love?
Every single day Love shows me that this is ALL we are all here to do. And every single day I am surprised! Not only am I surprised. Every single day I think this is my day to figure out — instead of actually believing the prayer I have said every morning since I was a little girl:
This is the day that Love has made.
Be glad. Give thanks. Rejoice.
Stand in Love’s presence, unafraid.
In Love lift up your voice.
All our gifts they come from Love.
And all our blessings show
The amplitude of Divine Love
That every heart will know.
I start every day affirming: This is the day that Love has made.
I remind myself: Be glad. Give thanks. Rejoice.
I tell myself that all I need to do is to stand in Love’s presence, unafraid.
I set the intention to lift up my voice in Love.
I acknowledge that all life’s gifts come from Love.
I affirm that all our blessings come from the amplitude — the infinite Supply of Love — that every single being WILL know.
And then I go out and get on with MY day.
MY day?
Nope. Love’s day. And Love shows me that it’s Love’s day every time I listen.
Like right now. Right now I’m listening because I know I’m not the writer. Love is.
Like when I have a big decision to make. Because I know I’m not the decider. Love is.
So why don’t I do this 24/7/365?
Well, if my favorite aunt were here, she’d probably quip: We haven’t ascended yet!
You see, the whole reason we’re here in this School of Life is to learn how to listen and lean and love 365/24/7.
Why is this often so hard?
Studies have shown that the human brain is wired to remember the bad and forget the good. Scientists even have a name for this: The Velcro/Teflon Phenomenon. In other words we Velcro the negative and Teflon the positive.
Crazy right!?!?
For a few weeks now I’ve been thinking of doing something, but I keep “forgetting” to try it. So this morning I stopped writing this and did it. I made a voice memo of something I learned from Love yesterday that I don’t want to forget. That memo then uploads automatically to the Cloud (aka the Love Library) where I will call the file Love Lessons. And then, when I am seemingly stumped to remember what I’ve learned from Love, I can listen to my Love Lessons in my Love Library.
In other words, I am taking action to overcome that Velcro/Teflon phenomenon by making recordings of all that I am learning from Love.
Studies show that we are five times more likely to retain the negative than the positive. Which means that we have to consciously shift that ratio. And the media doesn’t help. The news consists of thirty negative stories to every one good one. So right now it’s even more imperative that we learn how to Velcro Love.
We can’t ripple out Love to others until we invite Love to ripple through our own lives. So let’s take action together! Let’s create a Love Library of all the Lessons in Love we’ve learned and lived and loved.
This is how we #LoveViral. This is how we remember the Truth that is Love.
Let’s remember that to ripple out Love to others, we have to ripple Love in ourselves.
Let’s Teflon the negative. Let’s Teflon fear.
And let’s Velcro only Love! Together!!