When we practice, we shift out of focusing on a problem we have to living as if we are already the solution. We shift of out fear of lack into living Love.
And that’s why this practice can help heal the world. BE: We.
Live as if you are not some separate human will focused on your agenda. You’re not separate and if you believe that your agenda is separate from that of the rest of us and the animals and trees and fish and birds, then this isn’t going get any better.
Live as if every single person on the planet — let me repeat this part, because it’s huge — every single person on the planet NO EXCEPTIONS — is as lovable and deserving of love and life as you. And then send love to them like you would yourself.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Love your neighbor as much as you wish your neighbor would love you. Even if they have a sign up in your front yard that you disagree with. Even if they play loud music. Love them as you wish they would love you.
To BE WE, we have to SEE WE. We have to see ourselves in one another. And we have to practice this every single day.
We’re at the 11th hour here, folks. We need to get cracking
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